Relationship between alcohol and primary headaches: a systematic review and meta-analysis

why does drinking give me a headache

Reduced blood pressure in the brain can cause pain and sensitivity due to widening arteries to blood flow which in most cases results to headaches. Dr. Crystal said she finds that many of her patients have a sensitivity to alcohol. Others find that it is more likely to trigger migraine attacks during vulnerable periods—hormonal changes, stress, and weather changes, for example. So, she recommends reducing alcohol intake or stopping drinking altogether if a patient does, indeed, find a connection between drinking and migraine. Alcohol is also believed to be a trigger for migraine and other types of headaches, including cluster headaches and tension-type headaches. The exact mechanism that links alcohol and these different types of headaches is not fully understood.

When an Alcohol-Induced Headache Strikes

why does drinking give me a headache

Patients sometimes have a tendency not to admit their drinking habits 90. Of the studies included in our analysis, 19 were based only on questionnaires while five included interviews with patients. However, these limitations are to some extent discounted by the number of studies included and the cultural diversity of participants.

How we reviewed this article:

  • A cocktail headache develops the same evening, and even a tiny amount of alcohol can trigger it.
  • Dark-colored alcohols like red wine, brandy, and whiskey may contain more of them.
  • Therefore, there was insufficient data to analyze the relationship between alcohol and aura, and the data that does exist is inconsistent 65, 86.
  • These are substances that the alcohol manufacturing process produces.

However, if you find that your likelihood of getting a tension headache increases with the consumption of alcohol, you may want to avoid drinking if you have chronic tension headaches. This Sober living house eliminates at least one of the possible triggers of tension headaches. Granted, some headaches, like migraine, can be triggered or exacerbated by drinking alcohol, but the throughline is blurry. There are animal studies that suggest a potential link between alcohol’s inflammatory effects and headaches.


why does drinking give me a headache

These headaches cause very intense pain that often primarily affects the area behind one eye. More than half of those who experience cluster headaches say that alcohol is a trigger. However, more recent research indicates no relationship between tension type headaches and alcohol consumption. A 2016 review notes that alcohol may trigger a tension headache, especially if a person also has migraine. The research found that 21% of people with migraine say that alcohol is a tension headache trigger, compared with just 2% of people without migraine. Among alcoholic beverages, wine has quite the reputation as a headache trigger, particularly red wine.

why does drinking give me a headache


The pain is very real, but scientific evidence for the reasons behind this phenomenon is lacking. As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content. Please note the date of last review or update on all articles. Learn more about the short-term and long-term effects of alcohol.

What alcohol to drink to avoid migraine attacks

In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about alcohol-induced headaches, from understanding why alcohol abuse causes headaches to learning how to reduce their severity. Tim has written about recovery and addiction for well over a decade. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, cookie and spending time with his wife, children and three dogs. Of course, the best way to avoid an alcohol-induced headache is to avoid alcohol completely – but we know this isn’t always possible. If you are struggling with how why does drinking give me a headache much alcohol you consume, cutting it out altogether may not be the best idea. In other words, you will go to the toilet more frequently, but the lost liquid will not be as evenly replaced.

why does drinking give me a headache

Everything You Need to Know about Alcohol-Induced Headaches

Since alcohol has a dehydrating effect, drinking 16 ounces of water between each alcoholic beverage can help offset alcohol-related dehydration. Drinks that include electrolytes, such as sports drinks, can help replace the electrolytes you lose from the diuretic effects of alcohol. Histamine has been known to cause headaches for almost 100 years.² When it enters the bloodstream it dilates blood vessels, which leads to headaches. While all alcohol contains high levels of histamines, red wines have a significantly higher amount than other beverages, and therefore may lead to more severe headaches. Hangover headaches are a specific kind of headache that comes as a result of drinking alcohol.

  • In spite of this, there are some people for whom combining alcohol with a tendency toward migraines.
  • Three studies were evaluated as moderate risk, with 6 “yes” answers 44, 57, 59.

Tension Headaches

Drinking too much can trigger migraines, and possibly other types of headaches—such as cluster headaches and tension headaches—in people who are already susceptible to these issues. Such headaches can occur while you are drinking, or a few hours after—even if you’ve had as little as one drink. Are you tired of waking up with a throbbing headache or a migraine attack after a night of drinking? Even people who are not prone to headaches can find themselves with hangover headaches, and about one-third of patients with migraine note alcohol as a trigger for their attacks.